AGW 11/8

“Another Great Week” Newsletter from Principal Ferguson

Dear Lancer Families,

This week was another busy, but short week.  We hosted tours for all our current Preschool Families to see what Kindergarten at SMPS looks like, our Lancer Dash Top Fundraisers had a special lunch at 302 Wheaton, many other Lancer Dash fundraisers received their final prizes for all their efforts, our 5th Graders held their Annual Invention Convention, basketball practices began, and some of our SMPS Staff volunteered to make a meal at the Ronald McDonald House in Winfield.  Quite a few activities in just 4 short days!!

At Mass, Fr. Sunny talked to the students about their relationship with Jesus and continuing to be a disciple of Jesus.  He made comparisons to wanting to be like our teachers and follow in the ways of the Lord.  Fr. Sunny also described to the students the importance of putting Jesus as our highest priority in our lives.  Making sure that we make Mass attendance a priority over sports schedules, video games, or sleeping in on a Sunday morning.  He has regularly commented on how well prepared our students are in their knowledge of the Catholic faith…even calling one of our 1st graders a “budding theologian” for her in depth answer about what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus.  Very fitting with our School Mission of “Together in God’s love forming disciples of Jesus Christ…who know Him, love Him, and serve Him.”  Fr. Sunny’s All School Mass homilies are always on point, meaningful, and presented at the perfect, age-appropriate level for our students.  If you haven’t had a chance to attend an All School Mass, I highly recommend you make the time in your schedule to attend.   

Report Cards - The 1st Trimester of the year ends on Thursday, November 14th.  All our students have worked hard so far this year, please encourage them to continue this trend for the remaining 2 trimesters!  Report Cards will be available on FACTs Family Portal on 11/19/24. 

Fenwick High School Math Contest - This past Monday, a number of our 8th Graders (Peter Alt, Lauren Flamme, Patrick Mahan, Colin Smith, and Ada Ude) competed in the Fenwick HS Math Competition.  They were also joined by one of our 7th Grade Students, Reagan Florczak.  Together they worked hard and placed 4th out of over 20 other teams.  Colin Smith also placed 7th as an individual.  These are great accomplishments, and we are proud of each of them.  Good luck in the upcoming Math Contests…way to go Lancer Mathletes!!

Make it a GREAT day, Lancers!!!

Adam Ferguson

Principal, St. Michael Parish School


  • Freedom Commissary Wish List (

    Help the 4th Grade Girl Scouts help our Veterans!

    Dry Goods Drive begins on Veterans Day (11/11) through 11/15. Items (new only) below are desperately needed.

    Household: paper towels, toilet paper, kleenex, garbage bags (kitchen), garbage cans (kitchen and bath), mops (Swiffer) and pads, vacuum cleaner, brooms

    Personal care items: lip balm, dental floss (spools), body wash, deodorant, razors, hand soap, shampooKitchen: microwaves, coffee pots, toaster, dish sets, pots and pans, food storage containers, knife sets, paper plates, napkins

    Bedding: comforter - all sizes, sheets (queen), pillows

    Cleaning supplies: laundry pods, dryer sheets, disinfectant spray, all-purpose liquid cleaner/spray, toilet bowl cleaner, bleach, scrub brush, toilet bowl brush, disinfectant wipes, SOS pads, Windex

    Bathroom: bathroom cleaner, toilet sets, bath rugs

    Misc: reusable rugs

  • Donuts with Santa

    Saturday, December 7th
    9:00 AM - 12PM
    St. Michael School Cafeteria
    (Lower Level)

    Santa will be available for a photo, as well as donuts, crafts, games and fun! Reserve your spot today!  Tickets are $10 per family.  Ticket sales will close 12/3 for the final donut count.

    Click to Buy Tickets!

    ***Make sure to hit SUBMIT at the bottom of the form! If you do NOT receive a confirmation email, you did not submit the form.***

    Questions? Please contact Kaitlynn Pianovski at or Kim Predmore at

    Volunteer sign-up for adults and Jr. High students will be in the Wednesday email.

  • Since 2018, the Scout Troop has collected over 1,100 winter coats for St Vincent DePaul to assist individuals and families facing adversity. Collection bins will be set up in the Church Narthex the weekends of November 2/3 and November 9/10 for coat collection. 

  • You’re invited to the annual Blue & Gold Gala on January 24th, 2025!

    Helpful Links: 

    - 2025 Blue & Gold Gala Website 

    Tuition Raffle (selling fast!) 

    2024 Blue & Gold Gala Recap

    Questions email

  • Welcome To Queen of Hearts 5.0.

    THE JACKPOT IS AT $5,480!

    Join us for the weekly drawings on  Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. at 302 Wheaton.

    We will be selling tickets in the car line next Thursday BEFORE and AFTER school!!! 

    Have your envelope ready to hand to Adam, Meg or Lisa. 

    On the outside of the envelope write your last name and your numbers.

    6 tickets for $5

    If you'd like to get a stamp with your name and phone number, send your info to Meg Orsinger ...cost is $12.00



  • Steubenville Joliet June 27-29, 2025

    Music, Prayer, Speakers, Mass with over 1,000 Catholic teens!

    The Diocese expects this event will likely sell out in 15 minutes on November 20th when registration opens nationwide!

    St. Michael is asking for families to indicate interest by Friday, November 15th, and they can do so by using this link. They don't have to register, but we need some kind of idea of how many spots to reserve. We will estimate a few more spots than those who respond, knowing that more will likely sign up in the spring, but we need to have some kind of idea because of the event's popularity. 

    Video from Fr. Mike Schmidtz:

  • All of the women of St. Michael School and Parish are invited to attend St. Michael's Women's Faith Group's Annual Advent By Candlelight on Sunday, December 8th! Come enjoy a night of fellowship, a motivational speaker, and a delicious catered meal to start off your Advent Season and celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception! We are excited to have Katie Choudhary back as our speaker! The title of her talk is "Adventing Under Mary's Protective Mantel". Doors opens at 4:30 to decorate your table, and the program will begin at 5:30. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Please go to the parish website to register as an individual or as a group.


  • Returning to Catholic Heart Workcamp mission trip from June 15-20, 2025 in Montague, MI.

    Last year, we took 21 teens with us to Louisville, and they received 30 service hours & a unique Catholic experience while meeting other faithful teens from across the US. Next summer could be the year when your teen joins us too!

    Click here to get more information about Summer 2025

  • Leaf Raking 11/16 (click to RSVP)

    If you are interested in raking leaves to help others in our community on Saturday, November 16th from 2-5PM, please RSVP now. 

    We expect teens to be driven to and from the service site, and adults are encouraged to assist. Please dress for the weather and bring your own rake, water bottle, and work gloves.

    If you or someone you know could benefit from our leaf raking service, 

    please email or call Darci Mills at 630-462-5044 or

  • UPCOMING EVENTS FOR STUDENTS & PARENTS(click to view)Registration opens September 1, 2024

    OPEN HOUSE – Our most comprehensive visit event!

    • Wednesday, November 6; 6:30 p.m.

    Rise Up Leadership Conference (8th Grade)

    • Saturday, November 9, 9:30 a.m.

    • Rise Up is an opportunity for all current 8th grade students to participate in a day of leadership, teamwork, character building, and service run by the National Honor Society. St. Francis High School’s NHS members will guide students through activities and workshops that will prepare them for high school and beyond!

    • Click here to register

    SHADOW at SFHS – 7th & 8th grade students see classes with a student host, have lunch, and experience college prep with a Franciscan spirit.

    • Select days, Monday-Friday

    CAMPUS TOURS (Talk & Tour) – Visit for a tour during school hours.

    • Select days, Monday-Friday

    INFORMATION SESSIONS for Prospective Parents

    • November 12; 9:00 a.m.

    Class of 2029 ENTRANCE EXAM – Must be present for scholarship eligibility and priority admission consideration.

    • Saturday, December 7; 8:00 a.m.

    Register for events at

    St. Francis High School, a co-educational Catholic institution in Wheaton, Illinois, is dedicated to college preparation and has been fostering students' spiritual, academic, physical, and social growth for over 65 years.

  • Click to view the invite for Marmion’s Open House events 10/27 and 11/20.

  • 11/10; 12/7 & 12/14 -Visit & Entrance Exam

See “Community Posts” above for more details!

See “Community Posts” above for more details!

Find NEW announcements for this week by looking for the *

The AGW is an internal newsletter only available to St. Michael families. It may not be redistributed in part or whole in any manner without permission.


AGW 11/15


AGW 11/1