The School Board at St. Michael serves as advisory to the Principal and Pastor. Consisting of 8-10 voting School and Parish members, and a number of key leaders from the School community, the Board offers advice on matters relating to finances, the physical assets of the school, a vision or strategic plan, enrollment, marketing, athletics, development and more. The Board follows legislative procedures, with executive positions of President, Vice President, and Secretary. We are fortunate to have an involved, caring community and are grateful for all those who serve through the School Board.

In the Diocese of Joliet, school boards are consultative in nature, offering valuable input to assist the school's administration. A consultative board participates in the policy-making process by formulating and adopting, but does not enact or enforce policy. Board recommendations are ultimately adopted or declined by the Principal and/or Pastor.

The Board refrains from inserting itself in reviewing specific administrative decisions or conflicts, policy enforcement, personnel decisions, or administering curriculum, unless specific counsel is requested on such matters.  Thus, it in no way offers "appeals" to decisions made by administration or staff.

Board meetings are held at 7:00 PM in the School Library once each month, August through May. Please see the calendar for meeting dates. Meetings are open, with an open invitation to the parent community. Once approved, minutes from each meeting will be posted on FACTS Family Portal, where School families can login to review.