Academic excellence is our priority. We spark drive, enthusiasm and achievement through engaging instruction and challenging curriculum. Our students try. They work hard. Learning at St. Michael is distinct because WHAT we teach and HOW we teach matter. Classroom resources and today’s Digital Learning Environment continually evolve with an eye on excellence, meaning your child has opportunities beyond other schools. We utilize technology for engagement and diverse material; for deeper learning. Available to all are 1:1 iPads or Chromebooks, SMARTBoards with LCD projectors in every classroom, a designated Technology teacher with augmented tech, state-of-the-art software and online library resources.
St. Michael students are taught how to learn, how to think, how to evaluate, how to discuss, how to problem solve, how to study, and how to manage time and expectations. These “how’s” are foundational to success in school, offering a competitive advantage in high school and beyond. Our students score above national averages on standardized tests. They excel on the Catholic High School entrance exam (HSPT), achieving desirable classroom placements at the high school level. Many students earn advanced, honors level placement, and students from St. Michael are awarded high school scholarships each year.
We excel.

What People Are Saying
“Being employed by the public school system, I have that base of comparison and I am always very thankful to have my children at St. Michael school. It is an environment where kids can be the best version of themselves, but also embrace their individuality and be loved and cared for just as they are. High expectations, but also care and concern for each child individually. Every year I grow more thankful that my children are right where God intended them to be.”
— Parent Survey Response
“Our child has been positively impacted in many ways by being part of SMPS. First, he has the opportunity to attend school in-person daily. This experience in itself is providing structure, learning opportunities and experiences that many children are not getting during this time. Furthermore, it is true that you truly do "teach more." As a practicing Catholic family we are thrilled that our child is learning about the Faith and practicing his Faith daily in school. I long for the day that I can come over to St. Mikes and join him at Mass on a Wednesday! Our family has been impacted greatly by SMPS because we see the light bulb on every day with our child. He is learning, growing, and getting better each day, and this brings my wife and I great joy. Families center much of their schedule and workflow around the school day and to have daily education at a high level for our child is a real blessing!”
— Parent Survey Response
“It has been said many times, but the Community aspect of this school really is special and what makes our entire family proud to call ourselves members. The faculty genuinely cares for the children they're teaching and work hard to push each child to be the best student and person they can be. The families that are part of this school look out for each other and support each other, and are very involved in the activities/events hosted by the school.”
— Parent Survey Response
EXCELLENT teachers.
WHO teaches our children matters. Teachers at St. Michael imprint joy, virtue, work ethic, curiosity, and resilience through how they teach, how they model, and who they are as human beings.
Beyond their specialized degrees in Education and teaching certifications, nearly 50% of our teachers hold Masters degrees. Additionally, many hold endorsements as Math Specialists or Reading Specialists. Our teachers collaborate to build a progressive curriculum, benefitting from each others’ experience, education, ideas, and excitement. Perhaps even more importantly, they care deeply. They are the very heart of the classroom.
Our teachers educate and energize our students through innovative teaching techniques. Differentiation is key for learning. We take it to another level when students work with Teaching Assistants in all grades P-5, our dedicated Learning Resource Specialist, and on-site Social Worker so YOUR CHILD gets just what he or she needs to succeed.

- Mr. Ferguson’s Daily Announcements Mantra