AGW 11/10/2023

“Another Great Week” Newsletter from Principal Ferguson

Dear Lancer Families,

Friday marked the end of our 1st Trimester!  The year is flying by, but we still have a lot to accomplish.  The Trimester 1 Report Cards will be available in the FACTs Family Portal Monday, November 13.  Currently the Report Card section is turned off in Family Portal.  Once we have all the data transfers complete, then we will turn this feature back on.  Please be patient as we work through the kinks of the report cards.  Like many things during this FACTs transition, the first time we go through them, we are finding some errors and hiccups.  If you have any questions about the report cards once they are released, please start by contacting your child’s teacher.  If there truly is an error in the data transfer from the gradebook to the report card, your teacher will notify us and we’ll make the fix. 

All CURRENT Preschool families are welcome to join us on Tuesday, November 14th at 9:00am for an informational session about Kindergarten.  We will talk about the options in Kindergarten as well as answer any questions and talk about the registration steps that are needed to be completed.  It is not necessary to attend this info session to enroll in Kindergarten, but simply an option if you are looking for more information.  Please check in at the Main Office.

Adam Ferguson

Principal, St. Michael Parish School


  • Looking for a way to give this holiday season? There are still about 50 names on the giving trees in the church narthex!

    Just take an ornament off the tree, sign out the ornament in the book on the table, and take an envelope with the corresponding number with labels inside. Return gift(s) unwrapped, with labels affixed any of the next weekends, all due by November 26.

    Instructions are on sheets by the tree for returning gifts! Thank you for your generosity!

  • This #GivingTuesday our Student Council will host a school-wide #GiveBack! Classes will adopt a project to serve others and give back to the community!

    Are you looking for a way to give on #GivingTuesday? Consider a gift to the Annual Fund to fill the budget gap! Thank you for your support!

  • Donuts With Santa

    Saturday, December 2nd

    9:00 AM - 12PM

    St. Michael School Cafeteria

    (Lower Level)

    Santa will be available for a photo, as well as donuts, crafts, games and fun! Reserve your spot today! Tickets are $10 per family.

    Ticket sales will close 11/30 for the final donut count.

    Please join us as Santa visits St. Mike’s. See you there!

    Click to Buy Tickets!

    Click here to Volunteer

  • Click to view flyer!

    The St. Michael's Women's Faith Group invites all women of the parish and school community to join us for our annual Advent by Candlelight on Sunday, December 3rd at St. Michael Church narthex to enjoy some fellowship, a motivational speaker, and a catered meal.

    Doors will open at 5:00 to decorate your tables, and the speaker will begin at 6:00. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

    You can register using the QR code on the flyer or by going to the parish website at St. Michael Catholic Church. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Cespedes at

    Click to view!

  • Coming Soon! Fun Food Friday Ordering-Round 2

    Be on the lookout for an email, before Thanksgiving Break, with FFF ordering information for January through May. SMPO will be introducing a NEW PROCESS and resource to choose your students’ Fun Food Friday meals.

    If you did not sign up for Fun Food at the beginning of the year and would like to order for the second half of the year, this will be your chance. (Sunset Slush orders for the entire year were set in August, so you will not have to order for that vendor.)

    FFF ordering will CLOSE on December 1st !!!

  • Tuition Raffle tickets are ON SALE NOW through the Blue & Gold Gala site. Get them while you still can!!!

  • Join us for the event of the year…The annual Blue & Gold Gala!

    Click for invite, details, TICKETS, & open tuition raffle!

  • Did you know that plastic bread tags cannot be recycled traditionally in our recycling bins? The 7th grade class will again be partnering with SCARCE for this recycling project. SCARCE works with an organization out of Indiana called Danielle Cares for Chairs (click for full .pdf) that recycles bread tags to raise funds for providing wheelchairs and other forms of mobility equipment for those in need. Starting now, please save your bread tags and send them to school with your child. Each homeroom has a collection container in their room. This collection will run through the end of the school year and continue into next school year. Thank you for supporting this awesome cause!

    The 7th grade Students and Mrs. Zaremba



  • Hello prospective Benet Academy Redwings!

    A huge thank you to all who came out to our October 21st skate! We hope you had a wonderful time and learned a lot about our Club!

    Did you miss it? 🙁 Did you love it and want more?! 🙂

    Then register NOW for our second 7th & 8th Grade Prospective Player Open Skates on November 11, 2023 at 7 pm @ Seven Bridges! Please see the attached flyer for detailed information.

    You may register by clicking here: Information | 2023 Benet Hockey - New Player Skate - 7th and 8th grade | Benet Redwings Hockey (

    Registration is also available on our website:

    Be sure to visit for more details on 8th Grade Step-Up Days, the Benet Admissions process and registering to sit for the High School Placement Test on December 2, 2023, at Benet!

    Questions? Just email We encourage you to please forward this email on to all of your hockey-loving classmates or teammates! Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing you next weekend!


    Angela Karras Neboyskey

    Communications Director

    Red Wing High School Hockey Club

  • ENTRANCE EXAM for current 8th Graders (PDF attached): Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:00 a.m.

    Scholarship eligibility and priority admission consideration given to those who test at SFHS.

    Register at

    BASKETBALL, BAND, & CHOIR MIDDLE SCHOOL NIGHT: Friday, December 15, 2023 (PDF attached)


    Rehearse and then perform with the SFHS Choir before the boys basketball game!

    Pep Band

    Rehearse and then perform with the SFHS Band before the boys basketball game and during halftime!


    Girls - game begins at 6:00 p.m.

    Boys - game begins at 7:30 p.m.

    Come 30 minutes before game time to enter a raffle and win prizes! Free admission for middle school students!

    Register at

  • Take the first step to becoming a Marmion Cadet by registering for the Scholarship Qualifying Entrance Exam! When you take this exam you will be opening the doors to a fantastic high school experience. Or visit for more information. CLICK FOR MORE

  • Click for info: Future Friar Shadow Days

  • You are invited! Click to view: Glenbard Parent Series

Check out the 2023 Gala Recap 👇 to learn more…whether it’s your 1st or 21st Gala, we hope to see you there!

Find “new” announcements for this week by looking for the *

The AGW is an internal newsletter only available to St. Michael families. It may not be redistributed in any manner without permission.


AGW 11/17/2023


AGW 11/3/2023