AGW 3/22/2024

β€œAnother Great Week” Newsletter from Principal Ferguson

Dear Lancer Families,

We’ve made it...Spring is FINALLY here.  The weather is getting warmer (kinda!), birds are chirping, and the kids (and teachers) are ready for SPRING BREAK!!!!  We want to wish you all safe travels whether you are going near or far this next week.  We will keep everyone in our prayers.  School resumes on TUESDAY, April 2nd.  

Regional Science Fair - On Friday, March 8, eighteen 7th graders participated in the Regional Science Fair Competition at the University of St. Francis.  SMPS was well represented and came home with a lot of awards!!  

  • Bronze Awards - Henry Hilsabeck, Lauren Krause and Lily Veverka 

  • Silver Awards - Ava Burdi and Declan O’Donnell 

  • Gold Awards - Tommy Badgley, Matthew Burkly, Bobby delaCruz, Luke Doerfler, McKinnon Gryniewicz, Lauren Henkel, Evan King, Ava O’Malley, Nivi Raj, Chloe Rockliff, Pepper Rozylowicz, Ada Ude, and Ayden Wielgos

  • Artistic Award for his Display Board - McKinnon Gryniewicz 

  • Best in Category Awards for their projects - Luke Doerfler and Ada Ude

  • Ada Ude earned an award for a perfect score on her project

  • Matthew Burky, Bobby delaCruz, McKinnon Gryniewicz, Lauren Henkel, Evan King, Ava O’Malley, Nivi Raj, Chloe Rockliff, Pepper Rozylowicz and Ada Ude will all be moving on to the State Competition on May 3rd and 4th at Millikin University.  

  • Congratulations to all of the participants on a job well done!

Living Stations of the Cross - This week, our 7th graders were able to present a live depiction of Jesus’ walk to Crucifixion.  It was a real life reminder of the sacrifices Jesus made for all of us.  I must say, this was one of the best Living Stations performances I’ve seen by our students…job well done, 7th Graders!  A special THANK YOU to Mrs. Ede, Mrs. O’Kasick and all the other staff who helped prepare the students for this event.

This week, we welcomed a new member of our SMPS staff to the Catholic Faith…Mrs. Stieb (3rd grade teacher) was Confirmed and received her First Holy Communion during our All School Mass.  It was a special day for all those involved.  Congratulations, Mrs. Stieb!!

The Glory and Promise of Easter - May the glory and the promise of this joyous time of year bring peace and happiness to you and those you hold most dear. And may Christ, Our Risen Savior, always be there by your side to bless you most abundantly and be your loving guide.  β€” Unknown

Make it a GREAT day, Lancers!

Adam Ferguson

Principal, St. Michael Parish School



March 2025


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AGW 4/5/2024


AGW 3/15/2024